If Kelley was that traumatized about his rotten childhood, then he needs to seek out therapy.  I tend to think he uses it as a crutch; if he loses his temper or something goes wrong, well I had such bad parents, etc.  Amy had the same parents (although maybe she got out before it got worse), but she seems to be more well adjusted.

Kelley is just an ass.  Jennice is not ugly and is clearly better off without him.  I think Kelley figured out somehow that Jennice's relationship with her boyfriend was shaky so he was like a shark in the water after her.  He wouldn't go after Kate or Kat, as I think they'd flat out turn him down (each seemed to have a thing for Ben), so he went after the only other available woman on the ship.  He doesn't need to return to season 3.

Kate is clearly jealous of anyone who upstages her one iota.  She was defending Jennice because Jennice does not threaten her in any way.  Nor does Kat.  Amy kept getting constant praise for her service and friendliness, while Kate was called out by passengers by her bitchy resting face or aloofness.  Kate so wants to be living the lifestyle of the charter guests.  She sided with Kat once Kat had a beef with Amy (the enemy of my enemy is my friend).  Kate may be good at organization tasks, but she is clearly lacking in people skills.

Captain Lee looked like he'd rather be anywhere else.  I think he was saying yeah he'd work with any of them, just in case any of them show up on Season 3, or if they cross paths again.  Don't burn any bridges.  Not sure what he sees in Kat.  

I worked in restaurants and in retail.  Sure we'd bitch about the customers, but never within earshot and at some point, when I was in management, you knew when to cut those conversations off when it started into a major bitchfest.  It's one thing to vent, it's another to bitch and moan constantly. 
