The recently released teaser for the film “Hi Nanna,” starring Nani and Mrunal Thakur, has generated significant buzz on social media. The movie, directed by Shouryuv and featuring baby Kiara Khanna and Jayaram, is set to release on December 7.
However, there have been rumors circulating on social media that “Hi Nanna” is an unofficial remake of the Tamil comedy-drama “Dada.” The netizens have been sharing posters from both films, which share some similarities.
Nani and the filmmakers have consistently maintained that “Hi Nanna” is an entirely original script. Similarities in posters, such as featuring the hero lying down with his child and the heroine, do not necessarily mean the movies are the same.
Even during the film’s press meet, the team clarified that it is not any remake, but the speculation is still in circulation.
Probably, when the trailer arrives, the rumors might be put to rest.
Tags Dada Remake Hi Nanna